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"A brand is a set of differentiating promises that link a product to its customers." - Stuart Agres

Author Archives: Alberto

ANWB redesign

End of December I got my new 2009-member card for the ANWB (the Dutch drivers’ association) in the mail, but  I only recently threw the old 2008-card out. That’s when I noticed that they had a new logo! The logo was introduced november 17 last year during the celebrations of the ANWB’s 125th anniversary. It [...]

New York Philharmonic new logo

Both Brand New and logo design love point to the redesign of the New York Philharmonic logo. The redesign was done by Paula Scher of Pentagram. You can read a detailed write-up of the redesign on the Pentagram blog.

Arabic logos

Two great photosets of Arabic versions of logos and packaging by J. Jason Smith of Graphicology. I particularly like how most logos manage to retain their identity when transcribed. (via Brand New)

Obama ’08

A topical post to start off the blog. Today is the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. A lot was written last year on how Obama’s election campaign had a lot in common with a well run marketing or advertising campaign for the Obama brand. A big part of [...]


Welcome to goodBlogo! goodBlogo is the companion blog to goodlogo!com, Frank Eijking‘s site dedicated to the artform of the logo. The blog will be run by Frank and myself and is intended as a running conversation and discussion of logos. In addition we will try to point to the best links and sites on logos [...]