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"It is not slickness, polish, uniqueness, or cleverness that makes a brand a brand. It is truth." - Harry Beckwith


GoodBlogo is a weblog by Alberto and Frank. We’ll try to serve you here with some interesting and new info on logo design and everything that has to do with it. GoodBlogo started off as a spin-off of Frank’s goodlogo!com. Alberto thought it would be a good a idea to also start a ‘real’ blog (e.g. WordPress) about good logo design and came up with the great name

Frank and Alberto

Frank and Alberto


GoodBlogo nor anyone associated with this site or its Administration claims any ownership (physical, legal or copyright) to any of the corporate logos or trademarks listed or shown on these webpages. GoodBlogo only holds the copyright to the design and name goodBlogo, goodlogo!com, logiQuizz, logoParodies, and LogoOftheDay its concept and the display – GoodBlogo claims no other. Please note company or event logos are protected by copyright and/or trademark registration. We believe the use of low-resolution logo images on GoodBlogo, hosted on our servers in the United States, for the use of identification in a positive and informational context and logo properties grouping may qualify as fair use under United States copyright law. Any other uses of the logo images elsewhere may be copyright infringement.