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Super Bowl Logos

Superbowl XLIIIComing Sunday the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals will play in the 43rd edition of the Super Bowl, the biggest sporting (and television) event in the United States.

The Super Bowl logo is a strange animal. It is designed for a single day event and is immediately forgotten afterward. But in its limited lifetime it is printed on an estimated $100 million worth merchandise.

The New York Times has a nice piece on the design and background of the Super Bowl logos, complete with an overview of all the previous logos. There’s also a slideshow of alternative logos.

And yes, this year’s logo does indeed bear some similarity to the Bank of America logo!

2 Trackbacks

  1. By 2009 NBA All-Star Game logo - GoodBlogo on January 30, 2009 at 12:41 pm

    [...] Speaking of logos for one-day events, here is the logo for this year’s NBA All-Star Game will be held in Phoenix in two weeks. [...]

  2. By Super Bowl XLIV logo - GoodBlogo on February 2, 2009 at 4:32 pm

    [...] the day of this year’s Super Bowl, the logo for next year’s event was [...]